Collection: Floor Plans of Connection

A series of gentle reminders to not take for granted the simple beauties that connection has for us in every day life.

Close connection, like in tango dance, can make you feel awkward and afraid. Or with time and practice it can open your eyes to the sensations of moving together. To not take connection for granted. To practice it step by step, to connect with yourself, your balance, your posture. To realise, the more you can connect with yourself, to more you can embrace the embrace with your dancing partners in life.   

To hold onto growth even when it hurts. To make beauty from pain. To run towards connection and let the ones in that suit you. This is what I want this next series to represent. So often the most joyful things are hidden in the persistence and endurance of self love and self patience.



Red dots: Gravity points of the feet

Brown lines: Circumference of the feet

Gold lines: Movements of the feet

Background: Tiles of the floor