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Esmeralda Mlihi Terraneo Art

Element of Surprise 920 x 470 mm

Element of Surprise 920 x 470 mm

Regular price €700,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €700,00 EUR
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The story...

As I create art while analysing tango with my architectural eye, I wanted this first piece of the Floor plan Collection to capture the joy I feel when I choose to connect trough dance.

The tango dance floor is my creative sanctuary...

I've been dancing tango for almost 10 years now and it has become a second home to me. It's a safe space to explore my wild ideas, feel out life lessons, have a good anger expression with my legs, or burst into spontaneous neo tango. The precise details of the technical tango steps remind me daily that inner balance and inner connection is key. Once I embody that, the sky is the limit for enriching encounters and collaborations. 

Joy is found here

Whether you're in a phase of dating or growing older together, I want these paintings to be a reminder that a deep well of comfort can be found when we embody self connection. Then every element of surprise becomes a joyful and refreshing alternation on top of a solid and safe fundament.

The creative process...

The journey of this painting was tracing, both literally and figuratively. I had the creative challenge to capture the steps and its precise order, while my tango teachers* where dancing on paper. All the while growing and thinking out this new concept of capture the connection of tango in the shape of a floor plan. Even through the discomfort of feeling out of my comfort zone, while working with moving tango models, I found a deep well of joy while creating this artwork.

* These painting is made in collaboration with the Tango meistro’s Vanessa Fatauros and Damian Rosenthal.

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